Meet Nudge Lewis.

Ladies and gents, please welcome my cousin Nudge to blogspot. Sure, he may not be my cousin by blood, but he is a Lewis just the same. As far as our family is concerned, if you have attended over ten Lewis Family Christmas Dinners™ and provide poker chips as christmas presents, you are officially one of us and may sit at Uncle Bob's™ place at the table.
I have provided a photograph of my twin sister Amy and me with Nudge on our first birthday for the purpose of identification. Who would of thought there was seven years between us?
Just in case you were wondering, Nudge earned his nickname thanks to the hit T.V. show Hey Dad™ - named of course after the annoying neighbour who always hangs out at the Kelly's house and drinks all of their milk and the like.

Whilst on the topic of Hey Dad!, here are some unedited quotes about the show that I found on whilst I was trawling the internet for Hey Dad! related business.
'Andyt30' states that "Hey Dad has to be the best show i'd have a good old laugh when betty comes up with great excuses I loved it when she wanted a dick tating machine and she act as if she was deaf:)"
'Mathew' adds " I loved Hey Dad...!. I have been watching it since it first started. I liked Jenny Kelly played by Angela Keep because she is one of my favorite characters in the show. Hey Dad...! was set in a house with the Kelly household.For years the main characters have remained in the story. Others came and went sometimes for short periods and sometimes for many episodes. They helped to make the story more exciting.Some of the main chracters were Martin, Betty, Matthew, Debbie and Nudge. Each episode was a story on its own but it formed part of the whole story".
The most incisive and cutting review goes to 'Kerna', who simply states that Hey dad! was "A stupid show about a widow and his two kids, a stupid secretary and the kids stupid friends."
He also gives the show a rating of "0.9 out of ten". did he crunch those numbers???
Unfortunately, I failed miserably in my search for Hey Dad fan fiction, so i'll leave you with some Frasier fan fiction of which I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF.
That Night
Summary: Lilith and Niles' one night stand was more than just a desperate attempt for them to reaffirm their own worth. Takes place sometime after "The Life of the Party" but before "Sweet Dreams".
Lilith Sternin could not bring herself to open her eyes. She knew that the bathroom door was locked, so there was absolutely no way Frederick could find her. She doubted her son was even awake. It was only one thirty in the morning after all.
I have to know, Lilith thought to herself. Why else would I have woken up forty-five minutes ago and taken the damn thing? The mere possibility of this has been driving me crazy for over a month.
Lilith drew in a deep breath and finally brought herself to open her frightened, anxious eyes. She instantly brought her free left hand up in front of her face, shielding her eyes from the harsh bright light in the bathroom.
"What are you doing?" she asked herself angrily. Her tone was still soft as not to disturb Frederick. "You're only putting off the inevitable," she reminded herself.
With that being said, Lilith lowered her left hand towards the bottom of her purple bathrobe where it joined with her right one. Both hands now grasped the small wooden stick she had previously been holding in her right hand. She slowly raised both hands until they were even in height with her breasts.
Come on, Dr. Sternin, Lilith commanded herself. You have to look at it.
Lilith nodded then slowly turned her head down. Her eyes slowly looked across the pregnancy test. A thick dark purple line was present in the control window.
Lilith's eyes finally looked to the second window- the window that would tell her whether or not she was carrying a child. She drew her breath in again and looked at it.
In it, there was a solid dark purple line.
The pregnancy test was positive.
Lilith was having another child.
*Fembotanist gasps for breath clutching chest*
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. will never get boring, EVER.
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