Is Jeff Lynne your favourite Travelling Wilbury? Don't you just wish you would hear Chris Rea's 'Let's Dance' just once an actual dance floor? Do you wish that James Taylor was your real Dad? Meet FEMBOTanist!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Keep your water levels high when spending time in the sun.

Ever had your photo taken when you thought you looked tanned and healthy on your beach holiday, only to find that the photo comes out like this? I just came across this one from my holiday about 15 kilos ago.

I consciously remember looking in the mirror that night in Port Douglas and thinking to myself “I look FABULOUS tonight”.

I also remember having sunstroke for ten days and throwing up off the side of a boat mid sentence, with James sitting 15cm away.

The lesson here is this: When in Queensland, if you have transparent skin yet insist on going outside between the hours of 9 and 5, drink plenty of water, no matter how much you deny being delirious with sunstroke to your long suffering boyfriend. One glass per hour should do.

Also, avoid alcohol to reduce ballast of brine accumulating around your abdomen (see photo)


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