Is Jeff Lynne your favourite Travelling Wilbury? Don't you just wish you would hear Chris Rea's 'Let's Dance' just once an actual dance floor? Do you wish that James Taylor was your real Dad? Meet FEMBOTanist!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The inevitable 'Best of' episode.

I write this blog for a few reasons, but reason number one is to make myself laugh. Reason number two is to keep a decent record of what is going on in my life right now. That might sound silly, but for some reason I'm much better at blogging than keeping a diary. Maybe it's my messy handwriting, or maybe it's my inability to write something solely for myself, but my hand written diary entries always make me cringe when I read them later.

So sfter 159 blog posts, two narrowly-averted industrial accidents, a trip to the Willie Nelson Museum and somehow virtually no improvement in spelling or grammar, I thought I would dedicate post number 160 to the 20 blog posts that I like the most.

The top 20 FEMBOTanist posts can be found here.

So sit back, turn up the Chris Rea and ease yourself gently into a tepid bath of Miocene fossils, fake tan and adult contemporary easy listening.

Also, be sure to check out Lou's hot rack!


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